Dental Health Check Up

On 31st Jan, 2019, oral Dental check up program was organized by Colgate in the auditorium of Rashtra Shakti Vidyalaya ,with the sole aim of “Bright Smiles Bright Futures” under the supervision of Hon’ble Director Madam , Mrs Shashi Tyagi , who always aspires healthy life style for herself and for her students .

Highlights of the event

  • The event was inaugurated by a story narration with the theme “ How to keep the teeth Clean”
  • Director Madam interacted, motivated and advised the students to brush their teeth twice a day.
  • Teams of Doctor examined the students from classes Pre-School to V.
  • In order to energise students , a hand puppet & a monthly calendar to maintain oral hygiene record.
  • A tooth brush with a paste was gifted as a token of oral health reminder.
  • A certificate of participation was awarded to the school by Colgate Team.