May 2, 2024 marks the Tenth anniversary of World Password Day.
World Password Day highlights the many weaknesses associated with passwords. Addressing each and every one of these would be challenging but tackling the problem of password reuse goes a long way to combating password attacks.
RSVians observed this day in the school by participating in numerous activities to aware students about the importance of Password.
An assembly was conducted to apprise students about the importance and facts related to the passwords. The program list is as follows:
- Thought of the day (Arnav VII B)
- Cyber News by Mohit Grover XI Sci & Aryan Goswami XI Com
- Significance of the Day Kartik of Class VIII B
- Act on Cyber awareness by Class VIIIB & IX B
- Dance Performance by Class VII A & IX B
At last the Director Madam appreciated the students effort and urged the students to Take World Password Day as their cue to immediately change the passwords of your emails, social media accounts, and most importantly, accounts storing personal information.