
Rashtra Shakti Vidyalaya celebrated 74th Republic Day on 26th January 2023, in school with great ostentation and splendour. The Programme was marked by series of spell binding performances and the students took pride in glorifying and celebrating the spirit of unity.

The programme was commenced with March Past Drill by vigorous and disciplined NCC cadets. Our Director madam hoisted the National flag and the students saluted the National flag and pledged to up hold the honour and integrity. It was followed by sanskrit shlok uccharan with ceremonial lamp lighting by our director madam.

Students of class VI and VII paid tribute to the Goddess with a beautifully performed Saraswati Vandana. The pogramme was highlighted by splendid display of tableaux of Punjab, Western/Central India, Eastern India and Southern India. The tableau of Punjab was presented with the theme of Golden temple. Western / central India tableau laid out the culture and dance of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. Eastern India tableau exhibited the uniqueness and rich culture of eastern states. The tableau of Southern India demonstrated the famous personalities of south and Odissi dance form.

A shlok on India was chanted by the student of class III. This was followed by stirring speech by Kripa the student of class XI. Thereafter, a solo dance was performed by Tanvisha of pre-school. Then there was an inspiring patriotic song sung in chorus by VI and VII class students. The students of IV, V and IX performed power packed Bhangra in their vibrant attire. Lavani, the folk dance of Maharashtra was performed by the students of VI,VII and VIII. The girls of class XI   performed eye-catching ghoomer dance and made the moment mesmerizing. Students of class VI,VII,and VIII presented an astounding presentation on Southern India. Then the students of class VII performed an awesome Dev Stuti Orrisi dance. The Bihu dance of Assam was a joyous one which was performed by the students of class VIII and IX. The event was concluded by the blessings of our Director ma’am,Ms. Shashi Tyagi , who applauded  the students for their splendid performances and also instilled the feeling of patriotism in the students by her motivating words.

It was indeed a fun-filled day of rejoicing and merry making. May we continue celebrating this day every year.